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How to do Anapanasati meditation?

Anapanasati Meditation , “mindfulness of breathing”, or breath meditation is a core contemplative practice of Buddhism. It is also called Breathing Meditation. Its practice builds mindfulness and concentration through the relaxation and stilling of body, feelings, and mind. Ultimately, according to the Buddha, meditation’s goal is the attainment of Nibbana (Nirvana), the extinction of suffering. Many non-Buddhists practice breath meditation for its other benefits: getting in touch with your body and mind; learning to be present; and finding pleasure in stillness.

Anapanasati Breath Meditation

When any yogis start his meditation practice, they approach Anapanasati as separate from their physical practice. But many aspects of yoga, in particular the use of the breath, are central to meditation.

Anapanasati is a kind of meditation practice which is comes from Buddhist tradition, specifically within the Theravada school. The term “Anapanasati” is derived from Pali words: “ana” meaning inhale, “apana” meaning exhale, and “sati” meaning mindfulness or awareness. Together, it translates to “mindfulness of breathing” or “awareness of the in-and-out breath.”

Why Anapanasati Meditation Important?

There are few reasons why people do Anapanasati Breath Meditation:

  1. Getting Mindful: Anapanasati helps you be more mindful, which means being aware of the present moment without judging it.
  2. Focus Skills: It teaches you how to concentrate better. This can help you stay focused on things in your life.
  3. Handling Feelings: Anapanasati can help you deal with your emotions. You can see them without reacting right away.
  4. Knowing Yourself: By doing this, you might learn more about yourself and the world around you.

How to Practice Anapanasati Meditation (Breathing):

Here’s are some way to Practice Anapanasati Meditationcan do it:

  1. Sit Comfortably: Find a cozy place to sit with your back straight but not super stiff.
  2. Breathe Watch: Pay attention to your natural breath. Feel it coming in and going out through your nose.
  3. No Judgment: If thoughts, feelings, or distractions pop up, just notice them. Don’t judge them. Then, go back to your breath.
  4. Deeper Look: As you practice more, you can notice the whole breath cycle, from start to finish. Some people count their breaths to help focus.
  5. Steps Forward: There are sixteen stages in Anapanasati. They help you get better at mindfulness and understanding your mind.

Benefits of Anapanasati Meditation:

Practicing of Anapanasati provide you lots of benefits here are some mentioned down:

  1. Chill Out: It can make you feel less stressed and more relaxed because it calms your mind.
  2. Stay on Task: You’ll get better at paying attention, which is useful in your daily life and other types of meditation.
  3. Emotional Toughness: It helps you handle emotions better by letting you look at them without jumping into action.
  4. Know Yourself: You might discover things about yourself and how the world works, which can be interesting.
  5. Spiritual Growth: If you’re into spiritual stuff, Anapanasati can lead to deep spiritual insights.


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