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What is Transcendental Meditation Technique?

In our fast-paced world, We are busy for improving our lives by doing work in daily life. Due to this, we are getting stressed, It will take on our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Through this health issues, including high blood pressure, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. Many people facing this issue and finding solutions. So, how we getting out of this situation? Through transcendental meditation. What is Transcendental Meditation Technique and what is the benefit of doing it.

Transcendental Meditation is a simple technique where you need to repeat some mantra in your mind not forcefully. It will relax your mind and body. Through this, you give a break to your mind from some busy lifestyle! It doesn’t have any complicated poses.

Practicing it daily just for 15-20 minutes will some great benefits, also this mantra can help your mind to settle down and become quieter and focus on one thing.

How to Practice TM:

there are some way to practice it.

  1. Choose a Quiet Place: Choosing the right place is important because through this you get your inner calmness and you will practice it in the right way.
  2. Close Your Eyes: Slowly close your eyes which helps you to focus and shut out all the distractions that come in front of your eyes.
  3. Repeat Your Mantra: Start repeating your word or mantra silently in your mind and also, feel the words. Say it calmly and without trying too hard. It’s like a little word vacation.
  4. Keep It Simple: Choose a simple mantra for chanting. If your mind starts to wander or think about other things, don’t worry. Just gently come back to repeating your mantra.
  5. Practice for 15-20 Minutes: Doing practice it for just 15 to 20 minutes. As a beginner take your own time to practice it. Otherwise, you won’t feel happy after doing this if you extend your time.
  6. End Slowly: After finishing just stop the mantra and sit quietly for a moment before opening your eyes and observing what you feel from inside.

Benefits of Transcendental Meditation:

  1. Relaxation: Transcendental Meditation (TM) is like a soothing massage for your mind and body. When you practice TM, your body learns to let go of stress and tension. It’s like unwinding after a long day – you start feeling calmer and more at ease.
  2. Better Focus: Your mind is like a curious puppy that sometimes gets easily distracted. With regular TM practice, your mind becomes better at paying attention to one thing at a time. It’s like teaching that puppy to sit still and listen. This can help you do tasks more efficiently and remember things better.
  3. Calm Mind: Our minds are often like busy bees, always buzzing with thoughts. TM gives your mind a chance to take a break from all the buzzing. Think of it as a quiet corner where your mind can rest. This will make you feel more peaceful and tension free for things.
  4. More Energy: Have you ever felt like a tired phone battery that needs charging? TM is like plugging in your mind to recharge. After doing meditation, you might notice you have more energy or you feel so good from inside and enjoy your day.
  5. Happiness Boost: TM has a magical way of making you feel happier. It’s like finding a treasure chest of joy inside you. Doing regular practice of it you feel more better about yourself and the world around you.
  6. Improved Sleep: Sometimes, falling asleep can be tricky because our thoughts keep us awake. TM can be like a lullaby for your mind, helping it settle down. This can lead to better sleep at night, just like a teddy bear helps you sleep when you’re little.


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