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What is Walking Meditation & How to Practice?

Walking meditation is simple and Natural Process where you move from one place to another place or be in present moment. So, What is the different between walking and walking meditation how it is different from each other.

Today lifestyle is just fast moving and bad lifestyle people walk for a work, walk for taking a bus, car, metro or walking with stress or for many reasons people do it. but how it is different from walking meditation. Meditation simple meaning is just be in present moment write. Also Same When you are walking you walk without any stress.

Walking Meditation

But how we walk without any stress, this is not like a MBBS digress or any rocket science you need to just focus on a moment, also you can do it in a park early in the morning.

Just Stand up and feel the body weight on you feet or move you feet or fell every step or be focused on you every step.

Walking Meditation

How to Practice Walking Meditation

1. Find a Quiet place: To practice it, start by choosing a peaceful place without noisy distractions. It could be your garden, a park, or a quiet street. Being in a calm environment helps you focus better during the practice.

2. Stand Straight: Begin your walking meditation by stopping in one place. Stand with your feet flat on the ground, and take a few deep breaths. This moment of stillness helps you transition into a more mindful state and prepares you for the walking part.

3. Take a Slow Steps: Now, start walking slowly and deliberately. Pay close attention to each step you take. Feel the sensation of your foot as it lifts off the ground, moves through the air, and then makes contact with the earth again. You don’t need to hurry; the key is to be fully present in each step.

4. Take Deep Breathing: While you walk, synchronize your breathing with your steps. Breathe naturally, and focus on each breath as it goes in and out. This mindful breathing helps anchor your awareness in the present moment and deepens your meditation.

5. Be in Present: Throughout your walking meditation, keep your attention on the act of walking and your breath. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring it back to the sensations of walking and breathing. The goal is to stay fully engaged in the experience and find peace in each step. With practice, walking meditation can bring relaxation and mindfulness to your daily life.


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