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Discovering Balance: Exploring the 7 Chakras Inside Your Body

In Hinduism and Buddhism, are one of the primary sources of energy, or prana, in the body. These Chakras are an ancient energy system and it is coming from India. They were first mentioned in the Vedas, ancient sacred texts of spiritual knowledge from 1500 to 1000 BC. In this article, we will learn about these chakras in our body and its meaning.

When a person starts his journey in the spiritual world and goes deeper and deeper he learns about Chakras and its 7 levels.

7 chakra in body

In Ayurveda charkas has 7 types Crown Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Throat Chakra, Heart Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Sacral Chakra, and Root Chakra. Also, in Sanskrit Chakra means “wheel”. These 7 chakras refer to different energy levels or each of these has different energy centers and they correlate with different abilities and benefits of our body.

Practicing chakras will help to balance and energize the energy levels in the body which energy can easily flow in the whole body. Also, these chakras play a major role in maintaining your physical, emotional, and mental health. Chakras and spiritual energy have not been thoroughly examined in medical studies, but they may help you think about your mind and body like any religion or belief.

Types of 7 chakras:

So Let’s see what is these 7 Charkas & their Meaning.

  1. Crown Chakra (Top of the head – Violet Color): Its element is Divine Consciousness. It connects you to something bigger than yourself, like the universe or a divine force. In balance, you feel connected with the world and understand the present moment. But in imbalance, you might feel down or lose faith.
  2. Third Eye Chakra (Between your eyes – Indigo Color): Its element is Light. This chakra helps you see things not just on the outside but also inside yourself. A balanced third eye brings awareness and truthful insight. But you might get headaches, eye troubles, or strange dreams in imbalanced, .
  3. Throat Chakra (Throat – Blue Color): Its element is Sound/Music. This chakra is about expressing yourself and being creative. You speak your truth and share your inspiration when it comes to balance. But in imbalance, you could get a sore throat, feel nervous, or have mouth problems.
  4. Heart Chakra (Chest – Green Color): Its element is Air. This chakra is like the home of your beautiful soul. A balanced heart chakra lets you share love and compassion. You might lose sight of love, beauty, and kindness, both for yourself and others when it is in imbalanced.
  5. Solar Plexus Chakra (Abdomen – Yellow Color): Its element is Fire. This chakra holds your willpower and ability to create in the world. When you are balanced, you have inner strength and a strong mind with strong instincts. But In imbalance, you might struggle with memory, and concentration, or feel stressed.
  6. Sacral Chakra (Lower abdomen – Orange Color): Its element is Water. This chakra is a sign of creativity, feelings, and sensuality. Your body, soul, and spirit are in harmony when it is in balance. Imbalances create some bad things in your mind or body like low self-esteem, addictions, or a lack of desire.
  7. Root Chakra (Base of the spine – Red Color): Its element is Earth. This chakra is all about your physical well-being and feeling secure. You feel safe and strong in balanced. But in imbalance, you might feel anxious, abandoned, or have problems like addictions.

How to Practice Chakras:

There are the following ways to practice these 7 chakras:

1. Find a Quiet place: Choose quiet place to practice chakras like your room or a peaceful corner where you won’t be disturbed. This will help you to focus more.

2. Take Deep Breaths: Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths. Imagine stress and worries leaving your body as you breathe out. This deep breathing calms your heart and relaxes your body.

3. Start at the Bottom: Think about your chakras, which are like energy hubs in your body. Begin with the one at the base of your spine; it’s like your body’s foundation.

4. Imagine Colorful Spinning Balls: Picture these chakras as vibrant, spinning balls of energy, each having its unique color and job. They’re like different parts of your inner world.

5. Visualize Smooth Spinning: In your mind, ensure these chakras spin smoothly, like well-oiled wheels turning gracefully and evenly. This means they’re working well and keeping you balanced and healthy.

6. Use Happy Thoughts: Connect positive thoughts or words to each chakra. For instance, when you focus on your heart chakra, think about love and kindness. This helps the energy center feel good and in sync.

7. Focus on Each Chakra: Spend a bit of time thinking about each chakra, starting from the bottom and moving up to the top of your head. This helps you connect with all the different aspects of yourself, one by one.

8. Align and Balance: Finish your meditation by picturing all your chakras lined up like a string of colorful beads from the base of your spine to the top of your head. Imagine your whole body filled with this balanced and lively energy, making you feel refreshed and in harmony with yourself.

Each of these chakras plays a very important role in your well-being, and keeping them balanced is important for your physical and emotional health.


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