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What is a Mantra Meditation? How to Practice it?

In Mantra Meditation Mantra is a Sanskrit term, with “man” meaning “mind” and “tra” meaning “release”. Mantra means some specific words which you repeat during the meditation like repeating Om, Name, etc. which helps your mind to be in present moment. Many people notice after regular practice of mantra can increase awareness and improve concentration level. Since it helps you stay focused on a particular task, it could lead to improved results from meditation. During Regular Practice you will become more calm by your mind.

mantra meditation

Why Mantra Meditation Important?

Matra meditation is different from other meditations why? because it’s easy to do, and in these you don’t need to do any physical work or any kind of special posture to do it. You just repeat a special word or phrase called a “mantra” in your head or out loud. This helps you feel very relaxed and think more clearly.

Anyone can do it this is the great thing about matra meditation, even if you’re new to meditation you can do it without reading any special book or audio. It doesn’t require any special technique or posture. You can sit comfortably and start right away.

How to Practice Mantra Meditation:

  1. Choose Comfortable Place: First, choose a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. You can sit on a chair, lie down, or even walk – just pick a comfy position.
  2. Set a Timer: Decide how long you want to meditate, anywhere from 3 to 30 minutes. Use a timer with a gentle, calming sound (like ocean waves) to signal the end of your meditation.
  3. Deep Breaths: Start with a few deep breaths. Focus on how your breath feels entering your body. No need to change your breathing, just notice it.
  4. Repeat Mantra: Begin saying your chosen mantra. You can either say it out loud or silently in your mind. Try to match the mantra with your breathing pattern.
  5. Flow with Your Breath: Let your mantra and breath work together. They will naturally find a rhythm. No need to force it.
  6. Handle Wandering Thoughts Gently: Your mind may wander during meditation. That’s okay! When it happens, don’t fight those thoughts. Just acknowledge them, let them drift away, and return to your mantra.
  7. Wrap Up Calmly: When your timer goes off, don’t rush to get up. Take a moment to sit quietly. Check in with yourself. Do you feel more relaxed or positive? This helps you reflect on your meditation.


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