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What is hot yoga & how to practice it?

Hot yoga its sounds interesting no? But imagine doing yoga in a room so hot that even a snowman would start sweating! Well, that’s yoga for you. It’s like regular yoga but in a room heated up to around 95-105°F (35-40°C). This toasty environment is typically achieved using special heaters or hot air. It’s a bit like yoga in a cozy oven, without the baking part.

Why “Hot” Yoga?

Now, you might wonder why anyone would voluntarily put themselves through this hot ordeal. Well, here’s the deal: hot yoga is said to have some amazing benefits. First off, that tropical sauna atmosphere helps your muscles relax, making those stretches extra effective. Plus, all that sweating helps detoxify your body, kind of like a spa day for your insides.

Benefits of it:

  1. Flexibility Boost: Your muscles love the heat, and they’ll become more flexible, letting you bend and twist like never before.
  2. Detoxification: Sweating buckets means getting rid of toxins, which can leave you feeling refreshed and energized.
  3. Stress Buster: it is like a mini-vacation from your daily worries. It calms your mind and reduces stress.
  4. Calorie Burner: You’ll be surprised how many calories you can torch during a this session. It’s like a workout and a sauna session rolled into one.

How to Practice it:

  1. Choose Your Class: Look for a nearby gym offering hot yoga classes. Make sure it’s suitable for your skill level.
  2. Gear Up: Wear breathable, moisture-wicking clothing, and bring a non-slip yoga mat.
  3. Hydrate: Drink plenty of water throughout the day before your hot yoga session.
  4. Listen to Your Body: It can be intense, so don’t push yourself too hard. Start slow and build your stamina over time.
  5. Breathe: Focus on your breath. Inhale, exhale, and let the heat melt your stress away.


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