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What is Surya Namaskar & its importance?

Surya Namaskar is like a special exercise that says “hello” to the sun. It’s made up of 12 steps that you do one after the other. Imagine doing a dance to wake up your body and mind in the morning.

Surya Namaskar

Best Time to Do Surya Namaskar:

  1. Morning Routine: It’s best to do Surya Namaskar in the morning. It’s like giving your body a fresh start for the day.
  2. Empty Stomach: Try to do it on an empty stomach. This helps your body move comfortably and feel good.

Why It is important?

We do Surya Namaskar to feel good and healthy. It’s like a friendly way to start the day. We also do it as a way to say “thank you” to the sun for giving us light and warmth.
Why Do Surya Namaskar?

  1. Energy Boost: Surya Namaskar wakes up your body and mind, like a morning stretch. It’s a way to say “hello” to the day.
  2. Mind Calming: This yoga dance calms your mind. It’s like taking a peaceful moment for yourself before the day begins.
  3. Gratitude to the Sun: We do Surya Namaskar to thank the sun for its energy. The sun gives us light and warmth, and this is a way to appreciate that.

Benefits of Surya namaskar:

Surya Namaskar has lots of benefits if you practice it daily it will give you lots of benefits long life

1. Blood Circulation Enhancement:

During inhaling and exhalation process keeps the blood oxygenated. The proper flow of fresh blood in the body is an excellent technique to cleanse the body of poisonous substances and carbon dioxide.

2. Increase the glow of your skin:

Surya Namaskar improves blood circulation to all parts of the body, thus keeping the skin young. It increases energy and vitality, thereby making your face glow with radiance. This helps the skin retain its firmness

3. Prevent hair loss:

Surya Namaskar improves blood circulation to the scalp, thereby preventing hair loss. The increased blood circulation nourishes the head and enables healthy hair growth.

4. Improves flexibility:

You definitely get your stretching in, with Downward Facing Dog and Uttanasana in particular working your hamstrings and Raised Arms Pose doing the same for your shoulders, arms, and back. Try taking a few rounds really slowly, holding each pose for several breaths as you settle into a deeper stretch.

5. Boosts your Immune system: 

Getting your body moving and your heart working also jumpstarts your lymphatic system, which supports your immune system and helps you stay healthy.

6. Reduces stress and anxiety: 

When your body and mind are totally engaged with the physical practices of movement and breath, you get a much-needed break from the constantly spinning wheels in your head. The more regularly you practice, the more natural it becomes to drop into a meditative headspace where you can let go of thoughts as they arise. 

7. Boosts energy

Unsurprisingly, when your body and breath are engaged, your circulatory system is humming, and you are moving with attention, you are going to get a boost of energy that can carry you through the rest of your practice and maybe even the rest of your day.

8. Warms up your whole body:

This is a great way to get your body warmed up at the beginning of a yoga session or for any other movement practice. The combination of stretching and motion wakes up all your major muscle groups and signals them that it’s time to work


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