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What is ujjayi pranayama & How to Practice it

Ujjayi, a word from ancient Sanskrit, means “breath of victory.” “Ud” hints at power and expansion, while “jaya” signifies victory. Together, Ujjayi breath represents a conquering and empowering breath, helping you feel strong and successful. So, when you practice Ujjayi Pranayama, you’re inhaling the breath of triumph!

Ujjayi Pranayama is a calming breathing technique often used in yoga. It involves breathing in and out through your nose while constricting your throat slightly, creating a soft snoring-like sound. In the fast moving life finding a moment of peace can seem like a distant dream.

How to do ujjayi pranayama:

  1. Seal Your Lips: Begin by sealing your lips gently. All your inhalations and exhalations will now flow through your nose.
  2. Engage Your Throat: Now, here comes the magic touch – gently contract the muscles in the back of your throat. As you breathe, imagine the sound of ocean waves caressing the shore.
  3. Balanced Breaths: Inhale slowly and deeply, allowing your lungs to fill with air. Exhale with the same measured pace, keeping your breaths equal in duration. Picture the rhythm of your breath harmonizing with the natural flow of the universe.

Why Should You do the ujjayi pranayama?

  1. The Zen Zone: Ujjayi Pranayama acts as your personal gateway to Zen. With every whispering breath, you create a serene space within, where the chaos of the outside world fades away.
  2. The Stress-Buster: Stressed? Let the soothing sound of Ujjayi Pranayama be your rescue remedy. It melts away tension, leaving you feeling lighter and more at peace.
  3. The Mental Maestro: In the realm of focus and concentration, Ujjayi Pranayama reigns supreme. It hones your attention, allowing you to channel your inner Sherlock Holmes, solving the mysteries of your mind.
  4. The Body’s Best Friend: This whispering breath isn’t just about mental mastery; it’s your body’s buddy too. It regulates your body temperature, ensuring you stay cool as a cucumber, even in life’s heated moments.

The Creative Touch

Think of Ujjayi Pranayama as your secret mantra in the cacophony of life. Imagine your breaths weaving a melody, a symphony of calmness that resonates within you. With every inhale, visualize yourself drawing in serenity like an artist mixing colors on a palette. As you exhale, picture stress and worries dissipating, leaving behind a canvas of tranquility.

In Conclusion

Ujjayi Pranayama isn’t just a breathing exercise; it’s your ticket to a world of calm, a journey within that promises peace amidst the storm. So, embrace the whispering breath, let it be your guide through the labyrinth of life. As you master this gentle art, you’ll find that serenity isn’t a distant dream; it’s a whisper away, within your own breath. Happy breathing!


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