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What is Zazen Meditation & How to Practice it?

In Zazen meditation is also refers to sitting meditation. In these you need to sit quietly and comfortably place and help your mind and body to become calm and focused. your backbone and head is just straight but in a relaxed posture. Your hands in rest position in a special way, and your eyes are partly open, looking forward gently.

Zazen is teaching from Buddha originally, When Buddha lived in India around 2,500 years ago and founded the religion and philosophy of Buddhism. These teachings were brought to schools of Chinese Buddhism and then to Japan.

Zazen Meditation

How to Practice Zazen Meditation:

1. Sitting Position: To practice Zazen, sit upright facing a wall if possible. You can use the lotus position or try sitting with one ankle in front of the other, on a cushion, or on a chair with your feet flat on the ground.

2. Hand Placement: Place your hands in a specific way. In lotus position, put the backs of your palms on your thighs. In other positions, stack your right hand on top of the left, palms up, with fingers pointing sideways, or put your small fingers against your lower belly with your thumbs touching above your palms.

3. Maintaining Posture: Keep your spine straight but not tense, engage your shoulder blades, and tuck your chin slightly. Place your tongue at the front of the roof of your mouth, and keep your eyes softly focused ahead.

4. Breathing and Focus: Pay attention to your breath. Feel it rise and fall naturally. When your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your breath. Be patient with yourself and let your thoughts come and go without forcing them. Carry this awareness into your daily life, and start with 10-30 minutes of meditation, increasing the time as you progress. Consider finding a teacher or meditating in a group for guidance and support.

Benefits of Zazen Meditation:

1. Calmness: Zazen helps you feel less stressed and worried. It’s like taking a break to your mind which make calm your mind and thoughts and makes you feel peaceful. Doing regular practice your life less stressful.

2. Focus: Zazen makes you better at paying attention. Practicing daily you notice your concentrate is increase on what you’re doing right now. This can help you do things better, like studying or working.

3. Emotional Balance: Zazen helps you to control your feelings. Through this you observe your emotion by itself also control when it is needed. This can help you not get too upset or angry easily.

4. Mindfulness: Zazen helps you notice things more. It’s like seeing the small, beautiful things in life that you might miss otherwise. This makes life more interesting and meaningful.

5. Physical Benefits: it can help your muscles to relaxed, lower your blood pressure, and contribute to your overall well-being. also doing regular practice you fell just relaxed


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